Output Info

Component for foobar2000 v1.5 and newer.

Released:2025-02-09 16:59
Size:67.0 KB
License:Modified ISC license




Allows accessing the actual specs of the audio being played and the output device information using titleformatting.

The fields exposed by this component are:

%output_samplerate%Returns the sample rate entering output component
%output_channels%Returns the number of channels entering output component
%output_channel_mask%Returns the description of above channel configuration
%output_bitdepth%Returns the bitdepth used by output component, or best guess in case output doesn't specify
%output_device%Returns the name of the output device
%output_dsps%Returns the list of active DSPs
%output_dsp_preset%Returns the name of the active DSP chain preset
%output_volume%Returns the playback volume in dB
%output_rg_source%Returns the ReplayGain source mode
%output_rg_mode%Returns the ReplayGain processing mode
%output_rg_gain%Returns the effective ReplayGain gain value in dB
%output_rg_peak%Returns the effective ReplayGain peak value
%output_rg_peak_db%Returns the effective ReplayGain peak value in dBFS
%output_buffer_length%Returns the output buffer length in ms

Additional info


1.2.7 (2025-02-09):Hotfix, plain clip prevention reported incorrect data.
1.2.6 (2025-02-09):Made RG info reporting more accurate if using the ReplayGain DSP. Target playback level, compression or the headroom option weren't taken into account before.
1.2.5 (2025-01-12):Changed RG peak info to report track peak data even in album mode as it's more relevant. Added support for reading RG config from foo_dsp_replaygain, if core RG is disabled.
1.2.4 (2025-01-10):Added fields for active ReplayGain source, processing mode, effective RG gain adjustment and effective RG peak.
1.2.3 (2024-12-24):Added field for active DSP chain preset name.
1.2.2 (2024-12-23):Fixed outputs without device name being incorrectly displayed. Changed muted volume to be displayed as -inf. Changed null output to report 0 bits and muted output.
1.2.1 (2024-10-27):Hotfix to remove console debug messages.
1.2 (2024-10-27):Added support for retrieving the output bitdepth, playback volume and the configured output buffer length.
1.1 (2024-10-24):Added support for retrieving the name of the output device and the list of active dsps.
1.0 (2024-10-23):Initial version.